How To Find Meaning and Purpose

Posted on: December 27, 2020

There are numerous studies that have been conducted that show that when an employee's engaged and when an employee finds purpose and meaning in the work that they do, then their productivity increases, they are more driven to perform better, and also, they usually meet most of their work KPIs and targets because they’re finding there’s value and meaning in what they do. So, here are three strategies that I hope will help you be able to motivate your team and also help you get your team to find meaning and value in the work that they do.

1. Create an Impactful Mission and Vision Statement

The first strategy, especially as a business leader, the entrepreneur or the business owner, and also the visionary in the business, is to create an impactful mission and vision statement—not one that only talks to the outside world but also talks to your staff, those internally within your business.

Your mission statement has to align with their core values and also with their life's mission. That's how you attract and how you retain great staff because if your company values and mission are aligned to theirs, then they are more inclined to do greater work, do better work and also stick it out during challenging times.

They’ll believe in what the business does, and they'll put effort and work and sweat into trying to see that vision and that mission come to fruition. So, create a meaningful vision and mission statement.

2. Create and Nurture a Positive Work Environment

The second thing that you can do is to create and nurture a positive work environment.

Ensure that everyone is working in sync and harmoniously and that everyone understands what the company vision and mission are. And, if there's anyone that might not fit within that, then you may need to let them go and bring in people that fit into the culture and into the values of the company to create a place where they feel valued and that the work they're doing is contributing to the greater good of the business and then to the customer.

These are strategies that you can definitely use to nurture and instil meaning and purpose within your staff.

Creating a community where everyone is working on one vision to achieve that strategy will definitely help your staff find value, meaning and purpose in what they do.

You can also, as part of creating that great environment, provide constructive feedback to your staff, individually and then as a whole as well by:

  • constantly encouraging them
  • going through and providing feedback on their performance on how they conduct themselves at work and how they’re carrying out their daily work activities and tasks

Ensure these are aligning to the company's vision and mission. And, that also will match, then, with their personal vision and mission as well.

Creating opportunities for them to develop themselves, improve on learnings and further motivating them as well is all part of creating a great work environment that inspires people to find meaning and purpose in what they do.

3. Regularly Communicate to Staff How Their Work Benefits Others

And then, the third strategy is to regularly communicate to these staff members how the work that they are doing personally, such as their activities within the business, contributes to the greater good of the company, adds value to the customer and also benefits their colleagues and staff as well.

Your staff want to know that the work that they're doing is adding meaning and value to not only the customer but everyone else around them.

So, these are three strategies that you can use to help your staff members find meaning and purpose in what they do.

Because, like I said in the beginning, if they have purpose and meaning, they will be more engaged, they'll be more productive, and they'll be willing to go over and above what they’re currently doing to ensure that they and the business are fulfilling that purpose and meaning.

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