Ways to Develop Strategy and Tactics in Times of Uncertainty
Posted on:August 23, 2020
The global pandemic has disrupted the world, including the operations of countless businesses across the board. Despite these challenging times, business leaders must seek to innovate and look for valuable and significant ways to stand tall throughout the difficult road ahead.
Here are six strategies and tactics that leaders can implement to support the survival of their business during these uncertain times:
1. Maintain Business Visibility
Maintaining your business’ visibility is quite critical at this time. Your business should leverage the use of a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that allows you to engage with your customers.
Interacting with your customers should be done with empathy, keeping in mind how they may be affected by the outbreak. Some businesses have offered their customers solutions by providing one of their products or services for free or at a reduced price.
The value you add to your customers' lives will create a significant impact in terms of their loyalty to your business.
2. Find Leads and Customers in Advance
One of the best things you can do for your business during the time of this pandemic is to find leads and customers ahead of time. Marketing your business could very well be difficult because of the limitations that have been imposed by the current situation. However, with the right techniques and strategies in play, your business will be able to generate leads and prospective customers.
When trying to generate leads, business leaders should:
rethink targeting strategies;
innovate while capitalising on the advancement of technology, and
never be a push marketer; instead, the business should add value to customers to attract loyalty from them.
You are out of business if you don’t have a prospect. – Zig Ziglar
3. Adapt to the Current Situation and Operate Online
In a climate where consumers have been discouraged from in-store interactions, your usual modes of service delivery and operations may not be an option. In such cases, businesses should adopt new methods of service delivery and create innovative game plans aimed at bringing business close to customers.
The emergence of online shopping, apps for food, and grocery delivery services are found to be the most in-demand and convenient forms of business nowadays.
4. Ensure Your Services Remain Relevant
It is imperative to maintain the resilience of your business in times of uncertainty, but it is also important to ensure that your services remain relevant once the outbreak is over.
It would be unwise to simply assume that things will just return to their original states following the pandemic. Given the surge of online apps for shopping, groceries and food, do you think consumers will go back to the pre-pandemic ways of shopping?
This is something that every business leader needs to examine as they plan and strategise for the future of their business.
5. Experiment and Look for Growth Opportunities
Every challenge experienced by a business presents an opportunity. One of the best ways to stay productive in these times is to research and develop techniques and strategies that will enhance existing products and services, or come up with brand new offers.
In addition to this, the organisation can review and assess the not-so efficient operational processes to eliminate cost, time or excess.
6. Improve Your Brand’s Image
Making your brand stand out while showing the business’ values by supporting the community is another way to keep your business visible at this time.
Business leaders may consider offering their knowledge and services for free to those who are in need of them, or they might organise webinars or marketing campaigns related to keeping safe during the pandemic.
With these six strategies and tactics, business leaders can be better prepared to maintain their operations while growing their business in such challenging times.
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