Why Systems and Design Thinking are Crucial to Business

Posted on: August 19, 2020

Challenges are undoubtedly common in any business. And even when things seem to be running smoothly without a hitch, there is always room for improvement.

At the core, every business is a system, that is, a set of elements which interact and work together to yield a given set of results, or specifically, the processes, tools, strategies and staff that work jointly to achieve a goal. This is where systems and design thinking become especially important.

Because it adopts an in-depth point of consideration, systems thinking allows decision-makers to study and understand the exact impact a single change in one area of the business can have on all other elements within the system/business. 

Design thinking allows entrepreneurs and leaders to think creatively about their business model, to develop it innovatively and to solve problems more effectively. 

Below are just a few of the reasons why systems and design thinking are crucial to your organisation and its success:

Increases Speed and Accuracy Among the Team

To increase the speed and accuracy among the team, a business leader needs to evaluate all the functions and roles within the business and define each task that each position will specifically accomplish.

Apart from this, business leaders could benefit from creating frameworks and checklists to assist in the tracking and documentation of each task and the process in which each task is carried out and completed.

Tracking enables you to determine the roles which have excessive staff involved, those roles which require additional staff, and the overall strengths and weaknesses within the organisation. And, this thereby serves to increase productivity and efficiency within the team as well as better delegate your human resources.

Improves Marketing and Sales Systems

Reputation and word-of-mouth remain powerfully effective in marketing. However, in an era where consumer behaviour is prone to waver, business leaders could do well out of incorporating dominant trends aimed at promoting business visibility.

Many great businesses have benefitted from innovating and improving their marketing and sales systems. They did this by building marketing infrastructures and by designing clever direct response ads to generate leads that, in turn, become customers.

Building a marketing infrastructure requires exceptional planning and detail. You need to understand how a particular system will work and the resources required to make the system both functional and optimal. 

Three Components of Designing a System

Three important components need to be thoroughly considered and managed when creating a system design. These are: quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness. Business leaders should also ensure that individual system components are not compromised at the expense of others, but rather that all components complement each other to meet all requirements of quality, cost and efficiency.

Systems and Design Thinking are crucial because every element within a business is interconnected. Hence, one move can generally affect one or more business sections, if not the entire business.

In order for an organisation to achieve its desired results, leaders should think profoundly and holistically about design and systems and recognise the magnitude of these two business aspects and the role they play in furthering the success of an organisation. 

The Ultimate System

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